Major Priorities
At the San Joaquin Valley Housing Collaborative we focus on being the leading resource for regional stakeholders who are dedicated to creating more equitable communities in the central valley through the production and preservation of affordable housing.

We are the only affordable housing and community development collaborative organization serving the San Joaquin Valley from Stockton to Bakersfield.

housing networks
We bring together key affordable housing networks through our Annual Housing Summit, Webinars targeted to non-profit developers and co-sponsoring other forums.

leading source
We are a leading source of information, technical assistance, training, and resource development for the diverse stakeholders in the Valley.

innovative programs
We bring people together and share timely information on funding, innovative programs, employment opportunities, and much more.

community development
We represent the voices of the San Joaquin Valley including farmworkers, families struggling with homelessness and the affordable housing and community development industry.

Additional Resources
We advocate for affordable housing and community development interests to ensure that the San Joaquin Valley has access to additional resources.
What We Do
At San Joaquin Valley Housing Collaborative, we execute a variety of activities for stakeholder and resident engagement.
Annual Affordable Housing Summit
SJVHC Strategic
Stakeholder Engagement

Annual Affordable Housing Summit
Our Summit is a unique and highly anticipated opportunity that brings together stakeholders from across the Valley and state to strategize around affordable housing issues.
Each year elected officials, city and county agencies, community-based organizations, financial institutions, & advocates share in meaningful discussions and join in partnership. Past summits have been held in Visalia, Stockton, Modesto & Bakersfield. This year’s summit will be hosted in Fresno and up to 300 attendees are expected to attend. Please visit the news & event page for more information on this year’s summit.
SJVHC Membership
SJVHC became a membership based organization in 2024. We have three new categories of members including organizational, associate, and individuals.
The goal of the membership program is to increase ownership, impact, and resources for the organization. We welcome all members who share a long-term commitment to strengthening communities through quality affordable housing, including affordable homeownership.

SJVHC Strategic Plan
SJVHC Board of Directors developed and approved an ambitious strategic plan that positions the organization for growth and impact.
The strategic plan will focus on training and capacity building for affordable housing developers, increasing the visibility of the San Joaquin Valley, encouraging local government to develop affordable housing, and telling the story of the importance of affordable housing.
Stakeholder Engagement
Every year we host a variety of convenings for stakeholder and resident engagement. These activities include workshops and webinars that provide additional training and resources for our affordable housing stakeholders.
The Collaborative also has a monthly e-blast that provides a wealth of information on affordable housing and community development including funding opportunities, innovative strategies, conferences and meetings, job notices, and other relevant materials.

Our Mission
The San Joaquin Valley Housing Collaborative promotes affordable housing for our region by leading policy advocacy through systemic change, fostering cross-sector partnerships, and convening to share innovative solutions.

Our Story
The San Joaquin Valley Housing Collaborative is a non-profit organization formed as a regional body to address housing issues in the eight county region of the San Joaquin Valley. The Collaborative not only serves as a forum to discuss the Valley’s long and short term housing goals, it also serves as an invaluable tool for the region to organize as one voice when communicating with state and federal policy makers and regulatory agencies. This organization is an unprecedented forum for our region to work together in addressing the effects of the foreclosure crisis. Additionally, the recent loss of redevelopment agencies has precipitated increased dialogue among stakeholders about permanent funding sources for affordable housing. While there are many challenges, there is opportunity to leverage resources and facilitate new, innovative partnerships for promoting affordable housing through the San Joaquin Valley Housing Collaborative and its partners.
Formed in 2005 following an Executive Order by then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, the San Joaquin Valley Housing Collaborative was originally started as the Housing Work Group of the San Joaquin Valley Partnership. Since then, the organization has formed its own 501(3)c non-profit and has received staff support from the California Coalition for Rural Housing (CCRH) and previously Fresno State’s Office of Community and Economic Development.
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Sarah Morrison
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Leland Bloggs
Founder of
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Jessica Morrison
Founder of
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